
#DreamBigStartSmall What Will Your Kid(s) Say About Their Future?

Kids say the darndest things. We encourage you to talk with your kids about their future whenever you are able. This exercise is fun and can be a great way to get your kid(s) thinking about their future. As your child grows and learns, follow up with this series of questions to see how their answers change. #DreamBigStartSmall

We’d LOVE to know how your kids respond! Please share with us our Facebook post, or submit them in the form below. #DreamBigStartSmalland on social media using #DreamBigStartSmall.

Next, challenge friends, family, and other parents! Let’s see, and their friends and family will join in on the fun.

1. Child’s first name & age:
2. What do you like about school?
3. What is something awesome about you?
4. What are you working on that is hard?
5. What do you want to be when you grow up, and why?
6. What can you do now to help you become a(n) ________?
7. What do your grownups do for work?
8. How would you change the world if you could?

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