Maine Facts Coloring Page
March 30, 2021
Grab those crayons, colored pencils, or markers! It’s time to have some fun and learn about our awesome state, Maine! Print one of these coloring pages for everyone in the house and enjoy.
Maine Facts Sources:
- 5,267 ft above sea level and it the northern most point of the Appalachian Trail.
- Maine became the 23rd state in 1820 as part of the Missouri Compromise.
- Maine’s rocky coast is home to over 60 lighthouses.
- The Eastern white pine can get up to 188 feet tall, or more.
- In 2014, 104.4 million lbs of berries were harvested in Maine.
- There are 17 species of bumblebees in Maine, many are endangered.
- In 2016, lobster-fishers hauled more than 130 million pounds of lobster.
- The average male moose weight about 1,106 lbs.