
Free Printable: How to Help Your Student Budget Their Time

Free Printable: How to Help Your Student Budget Their Time

We often encourage parents to talk to their children about budgeting money, but what about budgeting time? Learning to manage time is just as important—especially for teens. It helps them handle the stress of school, sports, clubs, and social activities. Plus, it sets them up for success as they navigate life after high school and […]

How to Help Your Child Decompress During Stressful Times

How to Help Your Child Decompress During Stressful Times

Whether they’re in elementary or high school, kids today are under more pressure than ever, balancing academic expectations, social dynamics, extracurricular activities, and the everyday challenges of growing up. They also have a greater awareness of events and developments in the US and around the world. Add social media to the mix, and you have […]

Print & Play: Maine Flag Coloring Activity

Print & Play: Maine Flag Coloring Activity

Tomorrow, Maine will vote on whether to adopt a version of the original state flag. The 1901 Maine state flag featured a pine tree and the North star, but the state shifted to a military-style flag (the flag we all know today) in 1909. We’ve created a fun coloring page to help kids learn about […]

Print & Play: Native Trees I.D. Chart

Print & Play: Native Trees I.D. Chart

Living in Maine, we’re lucky to be surrounded by plenty of lush, green forests. We know many of the trees that stay green year-round are conifers, but which ones are they, exactly? With the recent vote around possible adoption of a version of Maine’s original state flag, which features an Eastern White Pine, you and […]

5 EASY Ideas for a DIY Backyard Obstacle Course

5 EASY Ideas for a DIY Backyard Obstacle Course

We know that this has been such a challenging year for many families – LOTS of big kid energy and very few places to get it out! Looking for some fun at-home ideas to get the wiggles out? How about a backyard obstacle course? In this guide we’ve put together ideas for every age on […]

Do. Save. Learn. Fall Reading List

Do. Save. Learn. Fall Reading List

As a parent, grandparent or caregiver, one of the best ways to support your student’s future is by teaching them about money from an early age. Whether your young student is just starting to understand the value of a dollar through chores and allowances, or your pre-teen is beginning to think about financial independence and […]

Print & Play: Cloud I.D. Chart

Print & Play: Cloud I.D. Chart

“What kind of cloud is that?” Have you ever been outside or in the car with your child and they’ve asked you this? If rain is in the forecast, it may be a simple question to answer, but if you’re rusty on your weather facts, you may be left scratching your head. Not to worry, […]

Print & Play: Practicing Kindness

Print & Play: Practicing Kindness

Here’s something we can all agree on: The world needs more kindness. For children, learning how to be kind to others starts at an early age – and often begins with close observation of the adults around them. How do the adults in their lives treat others? How are they treated in return? While kindness […]

Ways to DO, SAVE, & LEARN This Winter

Ways to DO, SAVE, & LEARN This Winter

A new year is here, offering a fresh perspective on learning & saving! Parents will soon be gathering their documents for tax season, new budgets are being made, and the 2024 financials are being considered. But kids have a lot on their minds too! Many children have likely received monetary gifts over the holidays and […]

Why You Should Help Your Child Set Goals

Why You Should Help Your Child Set Goals

Setting and achieving goals is an important life skill for kids to learn. As we near the end of 2023, you’re likely thinking about your own goals – maybe you set some goals or New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year or are actively working towards achieving something right now. Setting goals and […]

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